Interview mit KIM POSSIBLE Regisseur Steve Loter: über Staffel 5, Anekdoten und mehr!

Unser Fan-Portal gibt es schon länger, als so manch einer denkt. Tatsächlich entstand die Community aus einem 2006 gegründeten Forum zu “American Dragon” heraus und hat sich seitdem stetig weiter entwickelt. Auch “Kim Possible” war bei der Entwicklung ein riesiger Teil.

Im Februar 2013 hatten wir die Gelegenheit, ein Interview mit Steve Loter zu führen. Steve war Regisseur sehr vieler Kim Possible Episoden ab der 2. Staffel und fungierte in den Staffel 3 und 4 darüber hinaus als Produzent. Für American Dragon hat er ebenfalls ab der 2. Staffel die Regie und die Funktion des leitenden Produzenten übernommen und war dementsprechend stark an beteiligt.

Im Gespräch erzählt er über die Zukunft von Kim Possible, dem Crossover-Special mit Lilo & Stitch und der Entwicklung des neuen Animationsstils für American Dragon (mehr dazu in unserem Interview mit American Dragon Erfinder Jeff Goode.

Interview: Kim Possible’s Steve Loter

What are you up to recently? Any big, new project coming up?


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I am, but it hasn’t been announced yet. What I’m currently doing will be released in 2015. [Editor’s note: The project turned out to be “Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast”]

How did you first become a director?

I became a director on the ‘Ren And Stimpy’ show. It was a great place to learn what goes into an animated production and I was educated by some of the most brilliant artists in the business. As a director you learn and can be inspired by new things everyday that you can apply to your craft.

When you joined Kim Possible for season 2, were there any things you wanted to change?

I followed the brilliant work of Chris Bailey and along the way found my own personal style to institute into the show.

Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus vs. Dr. Drakken, Shego and their hunchmen
Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus vs. Dr. Drakken, Shego and their hunchmen © Disney

Describe your feelings on directing your first episode and also the big finale.

The first episode was challenging. KP had such a specific feel and sensibility, that I had to hit the ground running. Getting the timing was particularly difficult at first. The big finale was both sad and something of a needed vacation. We were all exhausted at the time and I think we needed a break from KP. However, I wished it was just a break because I still feel there are great stories to tell.

Was it your idea to turn KP more into a comedy show? I feel that in season 1, the focus was more on suspense while later it was more on comedic elements.

I think it was the natural progression and evolution of the series. Mark and Bob are some of the funniest people I’ve ever known.

Do you have a favorite episode?

So The Drama. I also really like Emotion Sickness, Rappin’ Drakken and Exchange.

Kim Possible: So the Drama movie poster
Kim Possible: So the Drama, © Disney

How different is it to direct a normal episode compared to the movie specials such as “So the Drama”?

The episodes were very straight forward and were produced start to finish. STD was done in different sections at different times. When we cut the animatic together the first time, we were hoping all the separate sequences would work in synergy.

Is there a realistic chance for a fifth season of KP?

Anything’s possible for a possible. Though I am not aware of anything currently going on.

Did you work on the Kim Possible crossover episode on “Lilo & Stitch” as well?

We had limited input on that episode. We were brought on mid-production and I focused on getting the KP look right.

Do you have some special memories on your work?

I loved working on KP. The characters and scripts were brilliant. Mark and Bob and the crew were awesome. We all work together so well that we all circle back around. I had an amazing experience working with Mark and Bob on ‘The Penguins Of Madagascar’ for which I won two Emmys!

Which character do you like the most?

I think I relate to Ron the most.

What did you think of while drawing those different aged character models? Especially, the future versions of course. Bob (Schooley) told me you where the one who made them up.

It was figured out by Mark, Bob and myself. Unfortunately they didn’t use KP and Ron in their late 20’s. They looked very cool.

How do you imagine the characters’ future?

I think they would have a very happy future. Kim is smart and resourceful and Ron is a good guy. The perfect match!

What do you think about Disney producing less animated series? Do you have any thoughts about the current hit “Phineas and Ferb” (maybe compared to KP in some way)?

 Dan and Swampy have produced a brilliant show in ‘Phineas And Ferb’ and it’s success is very well deserved. I don’t see any direct comparison to KP in any way, but I would like to think we helped open the door for that type of show at Disney TV Animation.

What way your role in renew the look of “American Dragon: Jake Long” for it’s second season? What was your intention by changing it?

Chris Roman (the first season director) did a terrific job with the show. ADJL had been developed for a long time prior to Chris’s involvement with many different directors, including myself. I had developed a look with Dave Filoni (of Star Wars Clone Wars) that I really enjoyed. When the opportunity came up to direct on the show, I really wanted to work in the style I was most comfortable working in. However, the show wouldn’t have been anything without what Chris established. He’s currently an amazing story artist at Pixar working on some of the most important animated films of all time.

What do you think. Who would win in a fight between Kim and Rose?

 They both have amazing skills. I think it would be a draw. They would talk, become friends and have coffee and discuss Ron and Jake.

Hier ist außerdem ein ziemlich cooles Making-of-Video über die Produktion von Kim Possible:

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