Update vom 17. März 2021:
Disneyland Resort hat heute verkündet, am 30. April 2021 wieder öffnen zu wollen! Dieses Datum gilt für beide Themenparks: Disneyland Park und Disney California Adventure Park. Das Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa wird schon einen Tag vorher, am 29. April, wieder seine Tore öffnen. Am 2. Mai folgen dann die dortigen Disney Vacation Club Villas. Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel und Disneyland Hotel werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt öffnen.
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Große Neuigkeiten gab es heute Nacht deutscher Zeit aus Kalifornien!
Das Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Kalifornien hat endlich Aussicht auf eine Wiedereröffnung, die theoretisch schon ab dem 1. April 2021 stattfinden könnte.
Dazu solltet ihr wissen: Der letzte Öffnungstag von Disneyland vor Ausbruch der Coronavirus-Pandemie war der 13. März 2020. Seitdem waren Disneyland Park und Disney California Adventure Park durchgehend geschlossen.
[Wer hier News zu Disneyland Paris erwartet hat, der findet hier unseren aktuellsten Statusbericht aus Frankreich.]
Kurz vor dem Jahrestag der Schließung gibt es nun überraschend Neuigkeiten. Der kalifornische Staat hat seinen Öffnungsplan angepasst, wodurch es großen Themenparks wie Universal, Knott’s Berry Farm und eben Disneyland möglich wäre im red tier, also der roten Einstufung, wieder öffnen zu dürfen. Zwar nur mit 15% Kapazität, aber immerhin ist eine Öffnung endlich im realistischen Bereich.
Die Stadt Anaheim und Orange County, wo sich Disneyland befindet, befinden sich beide aktuell noch im purple tier – das ist die höchste Stufe der Restriktionen. Nach purple würde dann bereits red kommen, wodurch eine Öffnung möglich wäre. Wer sich damit näher beschäftigen möchte, kann dies auf der offiziellen Seite von Anaheim tun.
Seit der Schließung im März 2020 wollte Disneyland ursprünglich im Juli 2020 wieder öffnen. In einer schon fast öffentlichen Schlacht zwischen Disney und dem kalifornischen Gouverneur Newsom blieb die Öffnung jedoch untersagt. Stattdessen wurde lediglich im Juli der Downtown Disney Shopping und Dining Bereich wieder eröffnet. Seit November wurde dann ebenfalls zusätzlich die Buena Vista Street – also der Eingangsbereich (sozusagen die Main Street, U.S.A.) von Disney Californa Adventure Park (DCA) – für Shopping und Dining eröffnet.
Später im März soll es zudem ein regelmäßiges Special Event namens „A Touch of Disney“ geben, bei dem DCA komplett geöffnet wird. Wer ein Ticket gekauft hat, kann dann alle Themenbereiche entlang gehen, shoppen, snacken und endlich wieder Disney Charaketere aus der Ferne sehen. Die Attraktionen bleiben jedoch weiterhin geschlossen.
Ken Potrock, President of Disneyland Resort, hat direkt heute Nacht ein Statement von sich gegeben. Sein Team würde sich auf die Öffnung freuen und die genauen Pläne sobald wie möglich kommunizieren wollen.
In einer ausführlicheren Nachricht wandte er sich zusätzlich mit einem persönlichen Brief an Cast Member und Bewohner von Anaheim. Diesen wollen wir euch nicht vorenthalten:
To our community, our guests and our cast: A year ago, the thought of Disneyland Resort closing for 12 months seemed unimaginable. Yet here we are — although instead of marking a grim milestone, we are encouraged by today’s news from the state as we await specific guidelines. Due to our perseverance and collaboration with state leaders, we now believe we have a path to reopen this spring. As you know, it will take some time for us to ramp back up, but I am certain that we will come back stronger than ever! We look forward to sharing an opening date soon. Last May I took on the dream role as president of the Disneyland Resort. I was beyond thrilled to join the talented team in Anaheim, and eager to become involved in the local community. Like many, I envisioned reopening the resort in short order, and getting our cast members back to work. But as COVID-19 cases spiked, this was not to be. We hunkered down and hoped that the numbers would fall. But days turned into weeks, weeks into months. While we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I want to acknowledge how difficult the last year has been. This pandemic has taken a devastating human toll…both in terms of lives and livelihoods, and I empathize with the personal pain so many have experienced. Shortly after closure, we furloughed nearly all of our cast members. A few months later our decision-making went from difficult to heartbreaking when, due to a lack of clarity about when we could reopen, we were forced to lay off thousands of our cast. We recognize that the year-long closure of the Disneyland Resort also means many local businesses are shuttered and their employees currently are out of work. Tens of thousands depend on us for employment…and the significance of this is not lost on me or any Disney leader. And we are heartened that our reopening will be the beginning of recovery for so many. As we move forward, our mission as an organization has shifted. First, nothing is more important than getting people back to work in an environment that promotes health and safety. And we couldn’t be more excited to begin to bring many of our cast back. Second, we have long touted the fact the Disneyland Resort is the unprecedented economic engine within the region, driving tourism and tax revenue for vital services. This is a responsibility we take seriously and embrace heartily. We will continue to find ways to work effectively with local residents, city and county leaders, resort Area businesses and nonprofit organizations. I am proud of how cast members have rallied around the community throughout our closure and heartened that we have been able to donate millions of dollars in surplus toys, 200 tons of product to food banks to feed those in need, and much-needed protective equipment including N-95 masks to first responders…and there are many other support efforts by both the company and our cast beyond those listed. Finally, when we will fully reopen we will do so in a responsible way and showcases our multifaceted capabilities, just as we have at our other parks around the world. We’ve already begun to do this with a stair-stepped approach. In July, we reopened the Downtown Disney District and followed with additional shopping and dining on Buena Vista Street. Later this month, we will debut “A Touch of Disney,” a ticketed experience at Disney California Adventure park, and based on the enthusiastic response from our guests when tickets went on sale, we know they are eager to get a dose of Disney magic. What’s more, this experience enables us to bring back more than 1,000 cast members. As we responsibly reopen Disneyland and Disney California Adventure parks and our hotels once again, we look forward to welcoming back thousands more. Walt Disney once said, “The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.” A cynic might say that lately there has been little to be grateful for. But I’m an eternal optimist and the past months have helped me be even more laser focused on what I am most grateful for… our community, our guests and our cast. To our community: For 65 years Anaheim has been our home, and together we will rebound. Never has a strong community been more critical and we will continue to find ways to invest in the city, bring back tourism and strengthen our valued relationships. Thank you. To our guests: You are the reason we exist and we miss you. You motivate us to continue to innovate and provide a cherished place to make memories with your loved ones, and we are humbled to play such an important role in your lives. Thank you. And especially to our cast: You have always been, and most definitely still are, the soul of the Disneyland Resort. I could not be prouder of the countless ways you’ve supported each other throughout this crisis. For those who have been working to maintain the magic and preserve the place that Walt Disney himself built, I know how seriously you take that responsibility and I appreciate your resilience, optimism and continued passion. And to those who have been patiently awaiting news of our reopening, I am grateful for your continued dedication, grace and never-ending support. I have every confidence that our comeback will be legendary — and I can’t wait to celebrate together. To all of you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Sincerely, Ken Potrock President, Disneyland Resort |
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